That’s Why Cars Have Grab Handles but Driver Doesn’t


Next time you’re on a flight, observe the overhead compartments as the flight crew makes their way down the aisle. You’ll notice that they instinctively touch the compartments’ edges. They’re not compelled to touch everything but are rather utilizing the handles discreetly positioned along the edges, ensuring a more secure grip as they navigate the plane.

A shiny brass doorknob adds a touch of elegance to your front door, but it serves a more functional purpose as well. Brass, like other copper alloys, possesses antimicrobial properties that repel harmful germs and bacteria. In high-traffic areas, these brass knobs and handles are an effective way to minimize the presence of germs without relying solely on harsh chemicals. However, the higher cost of brass compared to other metals explains why it’s less commonly used for this purpose nowadays.

Is your toothbrush adorned with blue bristles intertwined with the white ones? It certainly adds a stylish touch, but there’s more to it than meets the eye. The blue dye embedded in those bristles serves a practical function. It’s designed to fade away approximately when it’s time to replace your toothbrush, typically every 3 to 4 months. Consider it a gentle reminder to swap out your toothbrush regularly.

Let’s take a moment to ponder the reason behind the round shape of maintenance hole covers. In ancient civilizations like Rome, these covers used to be square-shaped stone slabs. However, the numerous edges and gaps often led to stubbed toes and accidents. The adoption of round covers resolved this issue, as they eliminated sharp corners. Additionally, the specialized tools required to open these round covers ensured restricted access and enhanced security.

The thermos, although invented by a Scottish scientist, wasn’t initially intended for keeping coffee warm. Its purpose was to maintain a stable temperature for chemicals. The scientist accomplished this by placing a small bottle inside a larger one and removing the air between them—a technique still employed in modern thermos designs.

Have you ever wondered why pin cushions always resemble tomatoes? It’s indeed a curious phenomenon. The small strawberry dangling from the top serves a practical purpose—it’s meant to hold the needle you’re currently using, preventing it from getting lost amidst the collection of pins.

Stick deodorants often go to waste when the casing starts rubbing against your skin, even though there’s still plenty of deodorant left inside. Here’s a simple trick to salvage the remaining product. Unscrew the bottom and push it up from underneath. This method grants you a few more days of use. And please, let’s avoid driving off from gas stations with the hose still attached—that’s an embarrassing mishap waiting to happen!

Fortunately, gas companies have devised a solution to such incidents. They’ve incorporated a magnetic connector that disengages when pulled, preventing the pump from being yanked along with the vehicle. Rest assured, you won’t become a spectacle at the gas station!

Opening stubborn jars can be a challenge, even for the strongest individuals. Luckily, there’s a solution to this common dilemma—rubber gloves! Not only are these gloves ideal for cleaning tasks, but they also provide the extra grip needed to effortlessly open even the most stubborn containers. It’s a simple yet effective hack that enhances your everyday life. You’re welcome!


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