That’s Why Cars Have Grab Handles but Driver Doesn’t


Sitting between the wings places you right in the plane’s center, promising the smoothest possible ride. Conversely, waiting at a lengthy traffic light tends to stir up feelings of hunger, boredom, and curiosity.

Have you ever contemplated the purpose of those black dots and the black line running along the edges of your windshield? They undoubtedly add a cool aesthetic, but surely there must be a hidden functionality, right? Well, that black line has a name—it’s called a Frit, and its primary role is to keep your windshield securely in place. Undeniably crucial, wouldn’t you agree?

If you’re anything like me, microwavable instant rice has a knack for toppling over inside the microwave. It’s a struggle we both share. But fear not, the flaps that unfold from the bottom of the packaging provide a sturdy base. Give it a try—extend those flaps and witness the difference! Why didn’t anyone teach us this in school?

What do you do with that half-finished, two-liter bottle of soda left over from pizza night? Instead of pouring it down the drain, why not add it to your compost heap? The sugar content nourishes beneficial microorganisms and enhances the acidity of the compost, accelerating the breakdown of organic materials.

Scissors inevitably lose their sharpness over time, but don’t despair! There’s a secret weapon lurking in your kitchen that can revive them in no time. Aluminum foil is more than just a safeguard for leftover lasagna. Fold a sheet of it into quarters and start cutting through it. You’ll be pleasantly surprised to find that the foil magically restores the scissors’ sharpness—provided they aren’t too blunt, of course. Rescue your trusty scissors while there’s still time!

Those little brushes on escalators aren’t just there for show; they possess an essential safety function. While they do an impressive job of cleaning your shoes, their primary purpose is to prevent clothing, shoelaces, and bags from getting entangled when they come into contact with the sides. Additionally, the gentle tickling sensation serves as a reminder to remain cautious and watch your step. I always thought it was a pesky bug brushing against me!

Ever wondered about those half belts? They do seem rather peculiar, don’t they? Well, in the past, certain military jackets doubled as blankets, and the half belt served the purpose of keeping the excess fabric out of the soldiers’ way. Nowadays, they’re mostly used as a fashionable accessory.

Accidentally stapling the wrong pages together can be quite exasperating. We’ve all experienced it at some point. What’s worse is when the staple snags a significant portion of your document, making it a challenge to remove! Fortunately, there’s a simple method to ensure that the stapler pins are less tight and easier to extract.

Take a closer look at the metal plate at the front of your stapler—the anvil. Flip the stapler upside down and adjust the settings. Essentially, you’re switching the stapler to the “temporary” mode. No more tears, no more frustration!

Toilet seat covers have long been misunderstood and misused. I see you tearing off that flap that resembles a tongue, but hold on a moment! You’re doing it all wrong. Instead of discarding it, let the flap rest in the bowl after placing the cover. When you flush, the suction created will whisk the flap away, ensuring proper hygiene.

That’s the reason why cars have grab handles while the driver’s side goes without one.

Zooey Deschanel astounded everyone with her remarkable transformation, leaving fans in disbelief. Some even deemed her “unrecognizable.”

That dark square or rectangle you often spot at the end of your toothpaste tube—what’s its significance? Does it indicate the ingredients or whether the toothpaste is synthetic or natural? Unfortunately, the truth is not as exciting as one might hope. Those markings serve as guides for the assembly machines during the manufacturing process, helping them determine where to cut and fold each tube.

Have you ever experienced the chaotic aftermath of a hard right turn after grocery shopping? It feels as if a volcano of groceries erupted in the trunk! If you examine the trunk closely, you might notice some small hooks. They’re there for a reason—to hang your bags! Oh, how convenient! In some cars, you’ll find these hooks located behind the front seats, offering a useful way to secure clothes or even your take-out bag.


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