5Foods That Become Toxic When Cooked


5Foods That Become Toxic When Cooked

While cooking generally enhances the flavors and nutritional value of many foods, there are instances where the cooking process can potentially lead to the formation of harmful substances. Here are five examples of foods that may become toxic when cooked:


When potatoes are exposed to high temperatures during cooking, especially frying or baking at high temperatures, a chemical called acrylamide may form. Acrylamide has been linked to an increased risk of cancer in animal studies. To minimize acrylamide formation, it’s advisable to cook potatoes using methods such as boiling or steaming.


Cooking meat at high temperatures, such as grilling, roasting, or frying, can lead to the formation of heterocyclic amines (HCAs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). These compounds have been associated with an increased risk of cancer. To reduce the formation of these harmful substances, it’s recommended to use gentler cooking methods like baking, boiling, or slow cooking.

3Vegetable Oils:

When certain vegetable oils, such as soybean oil, corn oil, or sunflower oil, are heated to high temperatures, they can undergo oxidation and produce harmful compounds, including free radicals and aldehydes. It’s advisable to use oils with high smoke points for cooking at high temperatures, such as olive oil or coconut oil.

4Spinach and other Leafy Greens

Leafy greens like spinach contain nitrates, which are generally harmless. However, when cooked or reheated, nitrates can convert to nitrites and then to nitrosamines, which are potential carcinogens. To minimize nitrosamine formation, it’s recommended to cook leafy greens at lower temperatures and avoid reheating them.


Certain types of fish, especially larger ones like tuna and swordfish, may contain high levels of mercury. Cooking methods that involve high heat, such as grilling or broiling, can cause the mercury to vaporize, increasing the risk of exposure. It’s advisable to choose fish with lower mercury levels and use cooking methods that involve lower temperatures, like steaming or poaching.

It’s essential to note that the risks associated with these foods are generally linked to excessive consumption or specific cooking methods. Moderation and a varied diet, along with proper cooking techniques, can help minimize potential risks. Additionally, individual health conditions and sensitivities can vary, so it’s always a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional or nutritionist for personalized advice.





  1. Since time immemorial I used to reheat spinach and “cima del rapa” once twice or even thrice when I wasn’t able to consume them in one meal. But is this the real Sylvester Stallone? Thanks for the useful articles you’re sending. They enlighten me a lot.

  2. Test is so important our tongue is good at tasting problems but we also we realie on on our own emume system to keep our bodies ballance correct thank mate

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