40 Charming Garden Design Ideas That We Didn’t Know We Needed


The perfect husband

The perfect husband does not exist… That’s what we thought before seeing the pictures below. This guy had some free time on his hands during quarantine and decided to impress his soulmate by building a lil project in their backyard.

Photo courtesy of Reddit.com/jhenning04101

What an amazing husband this guy is. We are sure that his lady was just as impressed as we all are when she saw this. They make a great team; the wife did an amazing job plating all of that.

It will be okay

No matter what you are going through right now, it will be okay. This is a lesson that Mother Nature taught this Reddit user who, one day when she was feeling down, went out in the cold to plant some tulips.

Photo courtesy of Reddit.com/HomeFin

Even though it was not the right time to plant, she planted them anyway, saying that if they are meant to bloom they will. And she was so right. We told you that gardening is one of the best at-home therapy you can do.

Vertical garden

Sure, normal gardens are cool but have you tried plating your flowers in a vertical garden? It looks so good you will definitely want to build your own. This one is an awesome idea for small backyards or those who live in apartments.

Photo courtesy of Reddit.com/kiel2155

Or for those gardens that look a bit too boring and need a little something different in order to break the monotony. And if you are still not convinced, here is another reason to try this: taking care of a vertical garden takes less time than taking care of a normal one. Boom.

Halloween hack

With Halloween coming, this little hack is more than needed. Why we never thought of this we don’t know, but it turns out that you can carve anything on a green pumpkin and you will be impressed with the final product.

Photo courtesy of Reddit.com/RigaMortizTortoise

Sure you will have to wait a few weeks but trust us, what you see will most likely have you making this hack a tradition. Because at the end of the day who would not want to have some unique pumpkins to decorate their porch for autumn?

Goodbye, pool!

A couple bought a new house that had a pool. What a dream, right? Well, it turns out that the pool was really old and it was built following old regulations that are not acceptable nowadays. What did they do?

Photo courtesy of Reddit.com/plxxlq

They created a huge tank to collect rainwater and they gardening beds on top. Most of us would probably try to rebuild the pool but in case of an apocalypse or alien invasion, these are the people you’d want to be friends with.

The magical table

The table pictured below looks like it came out of a fairy tale. As magical as it looks, it is equally as practical and sustainable. Because it has a garden incorporated in it. Whoever came up with this idea is a genius!

Photo courtesy of Reddit.com/KevlarYarmulke

And can we take a moment to admire that little stream that crosses the table from an end to another? We don’t know about you but as for us, we would love to have this table in our dining room or back yard.


If you have ever done veggie or fruit gardening before, you know that the moment you get to eat the produce that you planted and helped grow, it’s one special moment. The amount of pride you feel is really hard to express.

Photo courtesy of Reddit.com/Johnny_Carcinogenic

Not only this but it feels like it tastes different. It’s ten times better than the one you buy. So next time you want to throw out those stems, or roots or seeds, think about replanting them. This is what the person behind these two beauties above did.

Some inspo

If you feel like your garden lacks a little pizazz, here is a very Pinterest-y idea that will make your garden look like it’s straight out of a magazine. This project is very simple and cheap to do, yet very eye-catching.

Photo courtesy of Reddit.com/biborno

You need: two sticks, a hook, a watering can and fairy lights. You can do the same exact thing as above or you can freestyle it and add your personal touch. Either way, we assure you that it will look awesome.

The succulent heaven

When we first saw this picture, we really thought that this is a sneak peek of succulent heaven. It turns out that it is actually a succulent obsessed person’s garden and a dream many of us would love to make a reality.

Photo courtesy of Reddit.com/donorum88

We don’t know who this garden belongs to or how long it took to put together, but we do know this is our new inspiration. Imagine the number of succulent hacks and tips you can learn from a person like this.

Before & After

Here is a before and after that left us really impressed. The person who posted this picture bought the house with the garden back in 2016 and 5 years later this is how it looks. They had a beautiful vision, and they made it happen!

Photo courtesy of Reddit.com/Mumster

We can only imagine the hard work and hours the homeowner put into this masterpiece but we can all agree it was worth it. Fair to say that this person should make a career of decorating gardens. We would totally hire them.

The seed library

Some years ago, a great mind came up with the idea of placing mini libraries around towns and cities. The rule is: you take a book and replace it with a book of your own. The idea and practice spread worldwide.

Photo courtesy of Reddit.com/spicymoustache

Not only did it catch on, but it inspired other little movements like this. For example, this little seed library was placed on a front lawn to encourage the community to share their seeds. The gardening community is really strong and wholesome as heck.

Urban garden

Who said that if you live in a city you can not have an amazing garden? Meet Alessandro! He lives in London and nothing could stop him from creating his own little green urban paradise. He did a fantastic job.

Photo courtesy of Reddit.com/-LargeHardOnCollider

The greenhouse looks amazing, his little hang-out corner seems very comfy and on top of this, according to him this garden also gives shelter to beehives. Everything is organic and bee safe. This guy is inspiring us to do something with our apartment balconies.

Lock-down transformation

The pandemic had its positive side too. Staying home helped inspire a lot of us to change things, either about us or around us. Below, you can see what a lot of free time and boredom can do to a person.

Photo courtesy of Reddit.com/5_Frog_Margin

The amount of creativity and hard work put into this project led to a garden that looks like it was designed by a professional. The simplicity and serenity of this place are so obvious that you can feel your batteries recharging just by looking at it.


If you are a gardener, chances are that you too value rainwater as much as us and other adults do. Rainwater is relatively clean and not only you can use it to feed your plants but also for consumption, if you can purify it.

Photo courtesy ofReddit.com/saltynurs3

Here is a really cool rainwater system that will take care of your green babies for you. And if you think that there would be a flooding risk to this system, the rocks are there to drain the water and make sure that the plants are not flooded.


We don’t know about you but we used to love clean, unadorned lawns. You know, those that are symmetrically cut. Now, we love those lawns that have flowers, plants, or even fruits and veggies planted there. We love a packed yard!

Photo courtesy of Reddit.com/Creepercraft110

The second house looks so full of life and color, it is magnetizing. They used every square inch of space available, right up to the end of the property line. This might take a lot of effort to start, but once you make it to this point, it would be beyond worth it.

Brick garden

Do you know that pile of bricks that were left after building your garage, the ones you kept just in case you’d need them one day? Well, we may have a tip for you on how to finally use them.

Photo courtesy of Reddit.com/tomfruin

A brick garden! The idea is all in all very practical and looks like the blocks were created for this purpose. And if it looks like this at the start, imagine how cool it will look when the flowers start growing.

Colorful glass

One can never get enough of the beautiful colors of a garden but if you are not this type and you want to see more, we have the solution: a colorful stained-glass greenhouse. In an environment like this, gardening would be even more of a pleasure.

Photo courtesy of Reddit.com/HomeFin

This awesome greenhouse was spotted in Brooklyn at a community garden and it makes us want to go to the shop and get some panels and start building. The only thing is, it is scientifically proven that the best environment for plants is given by clear or yellow light.

The succulent bench

This is something that we never knew we needed but now that we’ve seen it, we want it badly. What a brilliant way to incorporate some greenery in your outdoor seating. The final result came out so perfect, we really need a tutorial for this.

Photo courtesy of Reddit.com/TryMyBalut

Despite the fact that it looks gorgeous, the project does not look like it cost a fortune. The wood looks like it was leftover wood from the fencing. We cannot help but wonder how much time it took the person to finish this.

Drought resistant flowers

There is nothing better than a front lawn that is packed with flowers, that is full of life and color. Sure, it is pretty hard to have a lawn like this when the weather outside is really hot. Notice we said “hard,” not “impossible.”

Photo courtesy of Reddit.com/Eva the Egg

Well, there is a solution for this little problem too: drought-resistant flowers. Or better known as wildflowers. They are colorful, beautiful, and very diverse. And they are able to resist the sun, wind, and rain. These flowers are real baddies.

Bee crisis

For some years now the world has been going through a bee crisis. Bees are the main pollinators of the world and because of all the chemicals sprayed on the plants and trees, they are slowly disappearing. This person decided to do their part.

Photo courtesy of Reddit.com/Eva the Egg

None of us want to know what would a world without bees look like. So because of this many people started taking action. Here, above, is an example of what you can do to help the fight against the bee crisis.

A sanctuary

There is nothing more battery recharging than a natural sanctuary like the one pictured below. A circle made up of very tall sunflowers is not something we would have thought of but we have to admit that it is an awesome idea.


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