10 Types Of Spiders You Might Commonly See In Your Home


10 Types Of Spiders You Might Commonly See In Your Home

If spiders creep you out, you’re in good company. According to Psychiatry Associates of Baton Rouge, arachnophobia is one of the most common phobias, with one in every three women and one in every four men experiencing a fear of the critters. To make matters worse, spiders are just about everywhere. All Things Nature notes that there are about 45,000 species of spiders on the earth. With so many of them, it is not surprising that some may find their way into your home.

Identifying Spiders

It is generally easy to identify a spider. Different from insects, which have six legs, spiders have eight legs. Spiders also have two distinct body sections: the cephalothorax, which houses the eyes and the mouth, and its abdomen (via Australian Museum). Insects have three body sections, according to Welcome Wildlife.

The Most Dangerous Spiders

1 Brown Recluse

Brown recluse spiders (Loxosceles) are the most threatening spiders you may find in your home, but that is only if you live in the southern U.S.

2 Black Widow

Black widow spiders (Latrodectus) are the second most dangerous spider you could come across in your home.

3 Sac Spider

Sac spiders (Cheiracanthium) are common across most of the U.S.

Potentially Harmful Spiders

 4 Hobo Spider

Hobo spiders (Eratigena agrestis) are popular in the Pacific Northwest U.S., and they are part of the funnel-web spider family.

 5 American House Spider

One of the most common spiders you might find in your home is an American house spider (Parasteatoda tepidariorum).

6  Southern House Spider

Southern house spiders (Kukulcania hibernalis) get their name due to the fact that they are common in the southern portion of the U.S.

Harmless Spider Helpers

7 Wolf Spider

You might find wolf spiders (Lycosidae) in your home when the temperature begins to cool.

 8 Jumping Spider

Perhaps one of the cutest spiders you might see in your home is the jumping spider (Phidippus audax).

 9 Cellar Spider

Cellar spiders (Pholcidae) get their name because they are known to hang out in dark, damp places like cellars.

10  Daddy Long Legs

Another common eight-legged creature you may find in your home is the daddy long legs (Pholcidae), or a harvestman.

Why You Shouldn’t Kill Spiders

Spiders creep many of us out, so our first instinct is often to kill them. However, according to Angi, killing them isn’t the best choice. Despite their appearance, they can actually be very beneficial creatures and catch all sorts of pests in their webs — including ants, moths, mosquitoes, and flies. This can help protect your home from becoming infested with these bugs and keep them from causing problems.

If you still aren’t on board with letting spiders have free rein in your home, there are alternatives to killing them. Catch them and let them outside using a piece of paper and glass, a gentle insect vacuum, or a pair of manual grabbers that will safely grab the bug and only release it once you’re outside and let go of the trigger. Alternatively, you can deter spiders from entering your home or encourage them to leave with certain scents. Arachnids dislike the smell of cinnamon and citrus fruits. Rubbing these ingredients along the walls, floorboards, or window cracks can discourage them from entering your home.


In conclusion, understanding the various spiders commonly found in homes allows for informed coexistence. Rather than reacting out of fear, appreciating the role of spiders in controlling pests might lead to a more tolerant perspective. So, the next time you spot a spider in your home, consider the benefits it might be providing.



  1. I can’t find undies that fit in the style I like due to weight gain. Bummer when needing a pad. I prefer to wear them just want it comfy. I like wide banded bikinis. I’m in the process of losing the weight. I pray!!!

  2. Gm. I have been bitten by house spiders 10 times. I find them interesting to watch. They know if ur gng to harm them or not. I do stay away from them. Yes, I a bit afraid of them but, find them interesting to watch.

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