+10 Foods We Should Never Refrigerate


Aged Cheese

All dairy belongs in the fridge, right? Wrong! Cheese lovers may know that hard cheeses should never be put in the fridge; when it’s kept in the fridge it becomes rock hard. Hard cheese goes through a curing process and when it’s cured, it no longer needs to be chilled. So, what’s the best way to store cheese? Your best bet is to store hard cheese in a cool, dark place like your pantry or cupboard.

This only applies to aged cheeses, other cheeses need to be refrigerated.


French fries, mashed potatoes, tater tots, potato wedges—we can’t think of a potato we don’t love. Potatoes and sweet potatoes are supposed to be stored in cool, dry places, so the refrigerator should be the optimal space for them but this actually isn’t the case.


When stored in the fridge, potatoes starches turn into sugars and the texture and taste end up getting all messed up. Gross! The only time you should store potatoes in the fridge is after they’ve been cooked.


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